Getting local business reviews on Google Maps is now easier than ever. Google has made leaving local reviews available for anyone with a Google account, instead of specifically requiring a G+ account. In addition, users can now write reviews without leaving the search results page.

Both of these changes are great news for local businesses. The previous G+ login requirement led to confusion, and leaving the search results page was inconvenient for users. Fewer restrictions means more customer involvement and more opportunities for online marketing for businesses.

G5 has always encouraged businesses to maintain a program that keeps online reviews coming in. Paying attention to online reviews is important for a business’s reputation and local rankings. As Google explains, businesses that receive and respond to reviews show up higher on Google Maps. This higher ranking leads more users to discover them (and leave more reviews).

If you want your business to be discovered through Google Maps, start a review program today. These changes will make getting reviews easier for you—but also for your competition.

Read more here.